What makes us APARA Global?
At APARA Global, we create a unique customer experiences, we are known for challenging the status quo and we want sustainable lifestyle accessible for all. Our first 4 years, in two business sectors in Africa, our purpose is to be the narrative for the African youth.
About Us
APARA Global is a women-owned business currently with over 10 years’ experience in project management, marketing and retail, owner Ayanda More has gathered the expertise to complement and grow the business. Our advisory team holds expertise in retail accounting, retail merchandising, legal contracts, fashion and design.
APARA Global’s restless spirit of entrepreneurship, innovation and market disruption has built up a diverse group of companies, which underpins the APARA Global’s 4 years of growth. At APARA Global, we’re known for challenging the status quo we want sustainable lifestyle accessible for all. APARA Global’s purpose is to eradicating poverty and improve quality of life, it is the very reason we exist. Our Mission is To Create a Sustainable Brand where Human Rights and the Environment Coexist. Our values are what keep our people, products and partners on the right path to achieve our purpose while providing incredible experiences.
We offer online self-development programmes just for you!
Our vision is to be the best place in the world for you to get the clothes that make you look and feel your best. Our brand is built on delivering exceptional fit, quality and value through a revolutionary experience.
We are a group of volunteers – engineers, teachers, project managers and 9-18 year old scholars who believe that education is a universal right, so we decided to embark on an adventure together to improve children’s lives and refurbish schools in remote villages. Our first mission began in Twecu a village near King William’s Town, Eastern Cape, South Africa.
We believe it’s not about the brand, but it’s about the fit, APARA Global will provide just that. A mixture of high and low-end fashion that perfectly fits you.