Who we are
We are a group of volunteers – engineers, teachers, project managers and 9-18 year old scholars who believe that education is a universal right, so we decided to embark on an adventure together to improve children’s lives and refurbish schools in remote villages. Our first mission began in Twecu a village near King William’s Town, Eastern Cape, South Africa.
What We Do
Every Valentine’s Day we spread the love and give school shirts and school shoes to rural area schools.
We refurbish schools in underprivileged areas across the world using sustainable and locally sourced materials. We research and implement innovative and low-cost construction techniques, which can be adapted to diverse sites.
“Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it” Marian Wright Edelman
APARA Global Foundation (AGF) believes every child deserves love. Children deserve a chance to grow up healthy, learning and safe. They deserve a bright future.
Our Mission
To benefit children by empowering them with new, improved and safe infrastructure.
Let’s Refurbish A School
In some villages, classrooms have no doors, the poor condition of the building is unsafe. We begin by investigating the site and learning about the educational needs and existing facilities in each area. Each area and site require a specific plan of action, we have a standard four-step process in place:
Step 1: We investigate the needs of the village.
Step 2: We identify the available materials on site and explore possible techniques of construction suitable for the climatic conditions.
Step 3: We share the construction process with the local community so they can build with us, and replicate as required.
Step 4: We refurbish the school and classrooms together and deliver a fresh environment to teach and learn.
Spread The Love On Valentines!
Honour Someone Special
Give a gift that is truly special on Valentine’s Day – a gift that comes from the heart.
R60 – R100 – will help to buy a school shirt for a boy/girl child.
R90 – R150 – will help to buy a pair of school shoes.
Help by donating pairs of new black school shoes for Valentine’s Day to the children of schools in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu Natal.
How can you help?
Here’s a little more info about this opportunity…
As we count down to Valentine’s day, day of giving love, we are driving #ValentinesDayGift on ‘One Shirt, One Shoe for Love’ campaign! We are committed to making a difference today, and for generations to come, and we want to rally our supporters to help ensure that 100 000 disadvantaged learners from villages in the continent are each given a pair of new black school shoes and a school shirt.
There are 2 ways you can support our campaign:
1. Donating any amount, which we will pool together to purchase some more school shoes or shirts.
2. You can buy a pair of school shoes or a school shirt in any size for either a boy or girl and we will collect!
The campaign runs from November to February, please get involved in honour of spreading love to someone special!
APARA Global,
FNB, Cheque, 62792137997,
Ref: AGF Your Name & Surname
+27 82 834 3154
Why save the children?
APARA Global Foundation Reason #1
We believe, that every child deserves a future. Every last child. The world has made great progress for children. More children are alive and thriving today than ever before. But here’s the problem. Millions of children in the Africa and around the world still are not getting what they deserve. We are talking about children in need. Dying, when the world knows how to save them. Vulnerable children in poverty. Denied an education. Forced to flee violence. Orphaned, abused, abandoned. Children with no reason to smile. No hope for the future.
APARA Global Foundation Reason #2
You Can Trust Our Commitment to Children. We are passionately committed to one goal: Giving all children the best chance for the future they deserve – a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. Every day and in times of crisis. Here in Africa and around the world. Whatever it takes.
APARA Global Foundation Reason #3
You Know You’re Making a Difference. Results like these are only possible because of giving people like you. Whether you give a little or a lot. Every gift makes a world of difference for a child in need. How will you know? We’ll prove it every day. We promise to keep you informed and inspired with regular updates, including real children’s stories, real-world results. You’ll see your generosity in action. And more.
Best of all, you’ll see the smiles of children who have a better life and a brighter future. Because of you.
Where Your Giving Goes
When you give to AGF, you’re investing in a future for every last child.
Here’s how it works: 100% of every rand you give goes straight to the foundation – helping children grow up healthy, learning and safe.
Bottom line: Giving to save the children is one of the world’s best investments. Changing children’s lives now. Transforming the future we all share.
How to Volunteer with AGF?
Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer!
For so many months AGF has been doing whatever it takes for children in need. There are many ways you can volunteer to support our mission. From one-time opportunities to ongoing partnerships, your involvement on behalf of children can start a ripple of change – changing the lives of children and the future we all share.
“Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it” Marian Wright Edelman
Volunteer Today
“It always seems impossible until it’s done” Nelson Mandela

“Often people who can do, don’t, because they’re afraid of what people that can’t do will say about them doing” Trevor Noah